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need help on a g60 prob???

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Someone i know has a standard g60 over 100K miles and he was driving along this weekend and out of no where the engine oil warning light came on and the car stoped, he pulled over straight away


Since then he hasnt touched it


What could it be???


p.s i know get it to a garage first but i though i would ask you guys


thanx in advance

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alex check the oil level which is the easiest thing to do, If level is fine and still buzzing than there aint enough pressure. If you go around a bend too quick that will happen, also sometimes if you rev when engine is cold it will go off. DId he stop the car? Did he losse any oil at all?





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It could be the crank shaft bolts snaped. Its very comon on G60's. When mine went all my dash lights came on and it just stopped.


sounds familiar... :roll: :cry:


Definately worth checking...


The way to tell is to look down the cambelt side of the engine towards the bottom of the engine. The big pulley at the bottom that drives the supercharger belt and the powersteering belt will be at a weird angle if the bolt has snapped... :?


If it is this, repairs can cost anything from a couple of quid for a new bolt, upto the cost of basically a new engine... :?

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If the cambelt snapped this would stop the engine - really quickly - causing the oil light to come on....


Yeah, that gives the same symptoms as the crank bolt shearing off, but without the pulley being at a silly angle... :roll: Guess how I know?!? :cry:

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