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Vr6 Front engine mount bracket

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Just been replacing my front engine mount with a vf one as there was a hell of a lot of play in it. On closer inspection it seems that the passenger side mount bracket bolt was missing the bottom drivers side was not tight and the bracket has snapped under the top bolt. so basically it was held by one loose bolt. Bugger! Just another of the previous owners bodges no doubt. Anyway i am now obviously in need of a replacemant bracket but my question is this. The top of two the front engine mount bracket bolts on the drivers side has a captive nut welded on i think. However there is no bolt. On mine its got what looks like a stud coming out of the block and the bracket is on that. Is this normal, should it not be a bolt as i cant see any way to remove it as the bracket is tight against the engine so obviously cant spin round on the thread. The pain is i cant really get a good access either so cant get mole grips on it, might just be able to get it with a couple of bolts on the end though. Hope this makes sense. if not i basically need to know if the front engine mount bracket is held on to the engine with three bolts not two bolts and a stud.

cheers oh and where can i find a cheap replacement bracket? unless i can get this bit off and weld it up! cheers

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