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Ive been looking through the forum for an hour now with no luck (im sure im being blind), so help would be appreciated!


Went to change my oil sump on my late VR today...what an epic fail! After being soaked in rain, then oil, i found i couldnt get the damn old sump off.....firstly some idiot had decided allen key bolts were a good idea for an oil sump...so hassle getting those off...then i went to get the final bolts off only to find a bloody great gear box in the way! Im a novice and didnt want to attempt to remove the two bolts I could see on it (it goes really far back and i couldnt feel if it was attached further up)...but i wanted to know is this panel that overlaps the oil sump a viewing area for the clutch etc?

If so is it easy/safe to remove? Does it have a gasket that needs replacing? Or am I missing something obvious?

cheers for your help guys!


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You might find that you need a wobble extension bar thingy once the cover is off but you should be able to get them off no problem. You've just reminded me I need to get hold of one of those plates as my car never had one. :roll: Well, of course it did at some point but it was taken off and not put back again.... along with a lot of other things. :(

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haha how bloody annoying...me and my mate took it all apart and put it all back together as well!

Thanks so much guys, nearly booked it in to a garage!

Just a quick question...that plate, it is just those two visible bolts? it just felt like it was bolted on further up towards the engine block...to be fair i didnt properly investigate


haha seems to be the way of the corrado sonicriot! But seariously....ALLEN KEYS!???? Who the hell uses allen keys for anything like that!??

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haha how bloody annoying...me and my mate took it all apart and put it all back together as well!

Thanks so much guys, nearly booked it in to a garage!

Just a quick question...that plate, it is just those two visible bolts? it just felt like it was bolted on further up towards the engine block...to be fair i didnt properly investigate


haha seems to be the way of the corrado sonicriot! But seariously....ALLEN KEYS!???? Who the hell uses allen keys for anything like that!??


Pretty sure it's only the two bolts.


Well, VW use allen keys for brake carriers and splined bolts for drive shafts.... Just wait until you have to try and get those off when they've been there for 18+ years! :brickwall: Irwins bolt grips and an impact wrench are the best things in my tool kit. :D

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ahahah fair enough mate...i think their best reserved for blaaaady push bikes myself lol!

Cheers guys you saved me alot of time and potentially money too! :)

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