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noisy power steering pump

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bit of an odd one but i changed the power steering fluid today and it has left the pump really noisey it has gotten a little quiter but

not very much i also used vw power steering fluid the green stuff should i have used something else ???

once emptied i reconnected the pipe filled the header tank turned the steering from left to right a few times also turned the pump to prime it a bit

top it up again then started the car and repeated the turning left to right have i missed somthing ????


any help would be great

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nope, you just need to do that to get the bubbles out.

sounds like you've got the dreaded sticking valve in the pump body, it's worth just taking out , visually checking the tiny gauze filter and popping back in, I've had them stick like that then just start behaving themselves again and never causing a problem again.

Worth checking the drilling in the pump body the valve sits in is smooth and not scored in any way.

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