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g-lader rattling

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my g-lader started rattling today, sounded like either maybe a bad bearing or some other rattle (gets worse when revved)


ive taken it off and sent to g-werks, little worried though. whats peoples guesses - is this a sign of it being in need of a dire rebuild or do you think i've killed it? :S


i've only had the car running 2 weeks after 6-years standstill, a rebuild was on the todo list but was hoping it would be ok for a few weeks until i could justify the cost...

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I would think it's bearing related after sitting that long. Keep your fingers crossed the displacer is not damaged. Apex strips would be in need of refreshment after that long. The small eccentric is surprisingly loaded and subject to a rather short bearing life. I'd ask GW to change that while their in there.


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