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Why I love my Corrado

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Thought i'd put a positive post about a corrado and their problems for once seeing as im soo utterly paranoid about everything breaking after my first corrado was such a nightmare.


Well last night i was parking up when i saw my girlfriend walk past, so went to push the windows down... nothing, both lights were out on the buttons as well so i thought ahh bugger, its going to be something expensive, water has probably got in through the windows and short something and it will be discontinued and expensive to find.

So i didn't have chance to look for the problem so i thought a quick browse or corrado forum may help before i tackle the problem, a few people mentionned reverse lights stop working as well so i thought... hmm fuse, then i thought... can't be as simple as that, it just can't... this is a corrado.


this morning, when i was late for work thought i'll quickly check the fuse and :clap: it was!!!


another time was driving home from work in the rain and she pops onto 4 cylinders :( so i got home and after a chat with my mate, he suggests taking the HT leads off, spraying them with wd40, cleaning them and putting them back on. hey ho presto, works like a dream!!!


touch wood, that is now 3 months of trouble free motoring, im soo glad i was such an idiot and bought another corrado after my nightmare first one.


anyone else had similar experience with a corrado, big problem with a quick and cheap fix?

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changing a 25p resistor on my fan motor meant nice warm toes over last winter......but it did take quite a bit of skin off my knuckles and a sore neck for quite a few days to actually get to the bloody thing :lol: - very satisfying when the heater worked again though :clap:

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Lost all central locking & electric windows so had to manually lock the car before I got a chance to check.


Feared the worst that my alarm had packed up but turned out to be one undercover fuse!


Oh and guy in brand new Porsche 911 Turbo says to me nice car mate... 8)


That's why I love mine!

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You sound just like me! - My first vr was a nightmare so I brought another one (8 years after selling/giving away my first)... and although it has a few issues (fan heater works intermittently and only on level4... my carpets are soaked on the left hand side... no idea why)... I love it!


as it goes... - anyone have any thoughts on the fan heater? - and the wet carpets...? - Could be linked... - Looking at your post, it looks like the 25p resistor might be worth a crack.



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anyone else had similar experience with a corrado, big problem with a quick and cheap fix?


One moment springs to mind- I'd just been to G-werks and had a load of mods done. The only thing I didn't have checked/worked on was the charger. I knew it was a jabba serviced one but it only had 15k miles on it.


I was floored it on a roundabout in Cardiff, and heard a bit of a 'pop' and then all the hissing and whining of the charger went away... The car just about managed to accelerate along the dual carriageway but I couldn't feel any boost.


My first thought- O MY GOD I'VE BLOWN MY G-LADER UP :cry:


I pulled over when I could, swearing and shouting, popped the bonnet and found that one of my pipes had popped off the intercooler- All the new mods had obviously put too much pressure on a tired hose clamp :lol:


To say I was relieved was an understatement...

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have never had a problem weave my G60 have change a lot of part bout now my spoiler has stopped working go up bout not down then the fuse gos :(

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I got 100 yards down the road from my house with my previous Corrado (8V), fully packed on the way to a week in Scotland. It suddenly cut out with no warning and would not restart. A few quick checks revealed absolutely no spark but plenty of fuel. Another further check with my vagscanner showed all the sensors working ok so I narrowed it down to ignition components with the most likely suspect being the coil.


I whipped the coil off and legged it home, compared it to a spare coil I kept from my old Polo GT and found it to be identical :D Dashed back, fitted it and away we went, it never missed another beat in the whole time I owned it! :clap:


I was so thankful that it chose then to break down rather than somewhere 100's of miles from home, in the dark or snow with no heater etc - good Corrado :notworthy:

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My corrado has done something similar, setting off to devon for a week (from hull) and doing the checks when the rubber seal around the expansion tank decides to die, so got my mates mk4 golf and knicked the rubber and it was fine still to this day lol...


but, all week i was having a little problem with the clutch and having to pump it every so often after a long drive without touch the pedal. so after 1000miles drive around devon, newquay etc. it decides no more to the clutch (master cylinder) and does not want to do anymore.... 5 miles away from my house, which just meant chucking it in a gear and driving it home. lucky does not come close lol

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