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Removing A G60 Supercharger?

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Hey guys,


Had a few people interested in the engine but no one looking to pay what I think its worth, added cost of wanting the car transported on top so I've decided I'm gonna sell the supercharger on its own at the moment and then start removing the calipers etc etc sell them seperately and then at some point get the engine out and sell that on.


Any idea what the supercharger would be worth, its only covered 690/700 miles since it was rebuilt but the car has been off the road so I want to remove it and sell it on.


I've used the good old search function but can't find a guide how to remove it, I know that big ass spring is potentially a hazard so I thought id ask if anyone could point me in the direction of a guide just so I know to be on the safe side :)


Cheers in advance :D

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Theres a guide to removal at the end of the supercharger servicing page on G-werks. Thats what I used to remove mine and it was easy as pie!


As for what its worth, I'm not too sure. Was it not bought new halfway through the cars life or am I thinking of another engine?

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Also who rebuilt it for you would be good to mention as no doubt a SC rebuilt by someone like G-Werks would be easier to sell then some 'unknown' company - also receipt.

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It was rebuilt by g-werks and yea I still have the receipt :)


I have no idea myself at the mo man :lol: There getting pretty rare to get a hold of and I do need to take money back on the car :confused4:

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