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UKG Grant

ABS Light

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Now that's a blinking useful post!! - I think we should campaign for Mr Haywire's version of Bentley!!


Sorry to hijack but my ABS went squiffy just after Christmas during the (guess what?!) snow and ice.... That'll be a suspect differential lock valve then! Or some crap on one of the sensors.... Job done, now I know what the problem is it hardly seems worth bothering to sort it :lol:


Incidentally, does anyone know what cable works with the latest release of Haywire?? - I could do with downloading it for easy reference...! :lol:


Thank you sir :D It's nothing more than pouring my thoughts onto the screen though, but glad you find it useful!


Yeah my ABS light came on over xmas too. Front left ABS sensor and that differential lock valve thingy! Cleared the codes and the expensive sounding problem went and never came back - thank god - but the ABS sensor fault was persistent. So I bought a new sensor, went to replace it and discovered the magnetic part of the existing sensor was covered in rust crumbs from the hub.


So I just wiped them off and voila, no more ABS faults! :D I did the same on the driver's side for good measure!


The dealer took the sensor back, which was cool and saved me £45!


Incidentally, VR6 ABS sensors are exactly the same as MK1 Audi A3, so if your VW dealer doesn't have one in stock, try your Audi dealer :D


I think with all the wheel spinning and icey fun over winter, it just shakes things around at the front and bits of rust and things get stuck on the sensors.

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well had an anoyingly auto rangeing multi metre on my abs sensors this eve and it apears as thoe front pasangers is dodge, get a reading of 4.somethig mega ohms and it keeps climbing to 5.25 m ohm (this is the elec passing through it warming it up a minute amount thus increasing the already extremely high resistance (mr electrican lol)) orderd off fleebay a vag com lead hopfully it does the trick cant afford the whole £150 package from ross... christmass and all.

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that awnsers that one then lol fingers crossed for crapy sensors cnt b botherd with pupm agro lol, if ones gone ill replace em all, save further probs


i bet you wouldnt do that once you saw the prices they go for. expensive little f :censored: kers!

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well theyre like 20 - 30 quid so ive heard, wont replace em all at once as and when i can afford it, seem as thoe they comonly go wrong, not suprised realy 15+ year old electrical component next to a bakeing hot break disk, and all that sudden cooling, in my opinyon vw desighned em blody well for them to last this long. i can see the sceniario now 3 days before mot and abs light comes on, i want to avoid that if i can.

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well I gave all the sensors a good clean over the weekend, checked plugs sockets connectors all seem ok. however the light is still on! :( . could be be the problem is still solved but the faults just need clearing? or should the light go off if i have resolved the problem? its booked in the a check tommrow hopfully its just a fault thats stuck?

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ukg grand, have you got it fixed yet?, mine is now fixed wheel sensor little :censored: to get out but job done. have you stuck a multi-metre acros the sensors tehy should measure 1,000 k,ohms aprox.

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