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indicator light on dash

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hi all,ive got a prob with my indicator light on dash.it stays on even when the indicators arnt on.only dim tho :help:

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i've got this too, does yours go off completely when they flash ( eg using the indicators ) i am guessing initially that it is an earth issue OR something to do with the various alarms that have been fitted to it in the past.


with mine going off completely when they flash i am guessing its not the relay but who knows.


i am starting with the relay then earths in the front lights then the repeaters the rears will be the last ones to check as they are away from the elements. . . .


let us know if you find it.

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ive changed the relay,changed the indicator stalks because they where dodgey.the light seems fine when i indicate.could be an earth,i was thinking of the plug in back of speedo

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??bad earth in clocks?? could it be as simple as that ??- was waiting till better weather to investigate mine.


big believer in if it works then leave it till you can do without it ( too many old vw's over the years ) :lol:

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it's 99% probable that there is a split/cut wire in the clocks harness. this wire is the one that takes the signal to the indicator green led light in the clocks. I found the easiest way was to remove that led :lol: :lol: as a temporary fix (temporary fix = lifetime fix :nuts: )

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