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Hi all,


Been the owner of a Corrado for about a week now and I've already managed to break her!


I noticed when i got it that the water temp guage would sit quite low until I came to a stop and it would rise to about normal (halfway) and then fall again on moving. Didn't really think much of it until the oil light started to flash at me. I pulled over and stopped for 10 mins and set off again and it was fine. No lights flashing and the water temp guage was on halfway all the time.


Anyway, toward the end of my journey the water temp light started to flash at me so, again, i pulled over. This time i turned the car off to mountains of steam pouring from under the bonnet, more precisely water pouring from the back of the header tank. Shit.


So, What's wrong? I assume that there's some kind of overflow from the header? Or is that now screwed due to the pressure? I've topped it up again and run it on idle until it warms up and the temp light starts flashing and water gushes from the header tank. The pipes to/from the rad are 'squidgy' and the rad fan isn't spinning at this point either.


I'm going to be extremely annoyed if it's the headgasket but it seems quite likely to me. Could a knackered thermostat cause these problems?


Any help would be very welcome!

Cheers, Ross

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Hi there i am no expert but on my vr the water light is a level light not a temp light. It indicates water level in the header is low, which i guess yours is as its pissed it all out the overflow. Cant see why this would happen unless it was overfilled it will expel the excess, but as you say it was over heating/steam i would guess its too hot or pressurised. Could be that the fans are not cooling as they should so check temp senders, fan control module, fan motor and all wiring and sender switch in the rad. Or its head gasket leaking and pressurising the cooling system? Just ideas as like i say i aint no expert. :)

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Sounds like the thermostat is stuck closed to me, had to change a thermostat on my old mans car as it had seized, which caused water temp to build and pressure as the water cant move around to cool or BE cooled.


Hope this helps :)



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