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diy boost leak tester

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Ever since ive had the 1.8t in the rado ive had this annoying whistle everytime im on boost, im also not making as much boost as its supposed to (pretty sure thats another issue) Decided to make something to check for a leak.


heres what i used

1 hockey puck,1 airline fitting,1 m8 nut1 washer,1 silicone pipe,silicone sealant


To start with i had to take about 5mm off the diameter of the hockey puck so that it would fit in the silicone pipe.  I then drilled a hole through the centre slightly smaller than the airline fitting.  I then hammered the airline fitting through - quite a tight fit. I made a thread onto the other side of this so i could put a washer and nut on it.  This is to make sure the fitting doesnt come out under extreme pressure. Finally i sealed up the joins with silicone sealant just to make sure it was air tight. Job done! heres a few pics




Once it was all together i removed the boost pipe nearest to the turbo outlet and clamped this in its place. I used an airline to link this to my compressor and set the output pressure to around 20 psi (my turbo is supposed to spike at 18 psi). As soon as i opened the tap i heard many leaks including the stupid whistle i originally heard. spent around 15 mins locating and rectifying the leaks. Sorted!


And a vid, its hard to hear so turn your speakers up. you can hear that when i squeeze the pipe the air stops coming out.  This was one of the smaller boost leaks



My car still only peaks at 11 psi so im sure i have another problem, however it definatly pulls harder and sounds much much better.

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Good work. We used a similar method on my G60 while it was at DG a while back, but we used an aerosol instead to block it off :lol: funnilly enough I had to hold it while we tested the boost and Dave and Graham hid behind a table :nuts:

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