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MOT failure :( please please help guys.Need her to pass fast

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I got back from a long day at work today to hear that my Corrado failed it's MOT.

Problems are -


Exhaust emissions too high.


Nearside headlight (apparently) needs replacing.


Headlight is annoying,especially as they only judge them purely by eye?! But not too bad to replace.



Main issue, is that I need a Cat Converter...It's a de-cat system (which is legal as such, yes???), and I knew that, BUT it had passed it's last MOT test fine, which was like a month before I actually bought the car. When studying receipts etc, the decat Magnex exhaust has been on for a few years. So I can't figure out how it managed to pass last time?!


What I would be INCREDIBLY appreciative of is any tips (ie - cheats) I can do to bring the emissions down. Even if only for the MOT, I just need it to pass, and quick, the car will be illegal as of tomorrow...


The join between the pipes underneath the car was a loose until 2 months ago, possibly letting some gases out, would this have aided a pass?

Are cat converters for aftermarket exhausts easy to get hold of/fit?

Can't it just be wound back a bit, letting less fuel in?


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give all the advice/experience you have, i really need to get this sorted, just can't survive without a car.


Thanks guys.



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your head lamp wont of been judged by eye mate, it would of been test with a head alignment tester, and the pattern would of been checked i.e for height and amount of kick up, plus they can change this for you during the test now.


as for the CAT a cat missing is NOT an MOT failure its purely done on the emissions, your car gets a BET's (Basic emission test) any car after 1992 gets this




Hope this helps



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Sorry Admin, this post seems to have been doubled up in here for some reason?


Chris, the strength of the light itself was the issue, alignment was fine as far as I am aware. Is the output tested by machine too? They only noticed because one was ever so fractionally dimmer than the other. Stupid amount of difference in my opinion. Interesting to know that for the Cat Converter. How do they expect cars to pass then without a cat! I need mine to pass without a cat!!

Thanks alot for your reply. Very helpful.



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