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G60 Hunting between 1000-1500 Revs

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Well had he car in bits last week, fitting a set of Samco Hoses (coolent) And managed to get it all back together intime for UD on Sunday,


But... While on the way we stopped at some temp traffic lights and the car started hunting,


Iv had a look round and cant see any hoses/sensors off,


Its a G60 with SWG Induction, 65mm Pully, Chip,


Its most annoying!


Any ideas/suggestions to try?


Cheers, Adam.

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Sounds like the ISV to me, it should buzz with the ignition on but the engine not running, if you put your hand on it and it's not virbating then it's busted or the wiring is shot.

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mine doing the same at the mo. getting on my tits too. ive checked all the and changed a few sensors but no joy as of yet.


i did change isv for an incorrect one and predictably it ran poop. but when i put correct isv back on it was back to normal idle......now back to hunting again though.


im thinking of ignition timing next. got cam belt to do anyway.


give us a shout if you narrow it down

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