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1.8 16v idling trouble

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Hi, I took the corrado out today and after driving for 30 seconds it cut out, i thought at first i had stalled it, but it started straight away and did'nt give it a second thought, later on i had to go out again and the car cut out in the same spot, again it restarted straight away,but everytime i 'geared down'(something i got into my golf mk1) the engine revs would drop really low (400-500rpm) when i arrived at my destination(wickes for some polyfilla, get in :D ) the engine felt as if it was really struggling,i adjusted the accelorator cable anchor clip, which seemed to solve the problem.


However when i came out of wickes and headed home, the car was now idling at 2,000 rpm,and by the time i gothome it was almost touching 3,000rpm, again i adjusted the clipand idle settled back to 1,100 approx rpm. the car did'nt cut out on the way home. I'm guessing it could be 1 of a few things, but some guidance would be really helpful.


1) Throttle body needs a damn good clean out.

2) Fuel tank needs a damn good clean out.

3) I noticed the fuel pump in position 3 on ignition made a 'EEEeeeEEE' sound instead of the usual 'EEEEEEEEE' sound?Could be nothing, and i do have a cold so my hearing is a bit dodgy :lol:

4) Faulty warm up regulator?


I'm going to see what the car is like tomorrow, it could be something, and it may be gone tomorow, although i suspect not. That said the car is still driving and accelerating impeccably(apart from the above!)


Tom :scratch:

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Went and filled the tank up today, got to the petrol station ok. Think there must be dirt in the fuel tank somewhere, as yesterday it was somewhere between half way and quarter mark. I think in the near future though i'll be getting the fuel system properly cleaned out, throttle body, injectors the lot. :)


Just glad it was'nt something more serious...

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I ended up with new injectors and distriubtor (both genuine VAG parts) before it turned out to be some £30 valve in the vacuum system.

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Bad luck mate,still at least you know your injectors and dissy are good. She seems to be behaving herself now, i think it just sucked up some gunk from the tank, but like i put before i'm going to get all the fuel system cleaned out at some point in the near future.



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