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Starting Issues!!

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The crank sensor may be recent, but that doesn't mean it's not dead :wink: And are you sure it was the crank sensor you replaced, and not the cam sensor? The engine will start and run with a dead cam sensor, but with no crank signal, the won't fire the coils or turn on the injectors at all.


When you checked the plugs, did you rest the threads on a metal part of the engine, or just put them on the plastic cover?


I'd say it's either the crank sensor or the fuel pump, or associated wiring etc.

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well i have just this minute got the car running :D i don't know what the problem was i have spent all afternoon cleaning electrical connectors etc i went to start it and it started first time so i have no idea what was at fault, maybe its the ignition switch as i did have to jiggle the barrel about to start her but maybe its not who knows i will see how i get on.


yeah its fairly new crank and cam sensors kev and yes i was holding the plugs on metal not the plastic,


thanks for the help

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ok had the car out to college today but couldnt make it home as my car limped to a complete stop on a busy dual carrigeway,


so i managed to tow her home but i have starting issuses again!! the car was playing up last week but i thought i had fixed it as it was stating first time but on my way home today the car began start to misfire really quite badly. I tried to limp her home but the car just completley died i could hear poping noises comeing from the engine as it was dyeing it wouldnt even drive in any gear so i had to come to a complete stop.


The car is turning and turning over again but sometimes it will start but it wont idle at all and it dies again. Iam getting fuel and a spark. could it be a duff crank sensor again? but could it be that though as the car is starting? i am on a right downer at the moment really starting to loose patience with her.


if anyone has any advice or pointers could you let me know please.




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Could be the ignition switch if you wiggled it and it started. No harm in changing it anyway tbh. If the crank sensor was dead you'd get no spark or fuel (from the injectors) so sounds like it's working. Only other thing could be the fuel pump.

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thanks for the reply kev, after i had calmed down abit i went back to the car and had a proper look over her again,


i took the hose off at the injectors and turned the ignition on, i wasn't getting any fuel at all to prime the injectors. To make sure its defenetly the pump thats goosed i took the hose off at the fuel fillter thats comeing from the pump and turned the ignition on again, no fuel! so iam pretty confident that its a goosed pump for obvious reasons? would it be worth tryeing a new fuel pump relay or just go ahead and get a new pump? it still makes a faint noise when the ignition is turned on but i get no fuel.


Also to make things worse i have broken my bonnet release cable :( , it has popped out at the handle somehow and become really slack, is it just a matter off pulling all the slack out and hooking it back to the handle and connecting it back on to the little pull thingy on the passenger side of the car?


so it hasn't been a very satisfying day, ill soilder on though :D


any advice or pointers welcomed.



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sounds like a bit of a nightmare Paul :( . Sorry i cant offer any helpful advice, but i am sure you will get it sorted.

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thanks steve iam sure ill figure it out, iam pretty confident its the fuel pump with all the signs?


if anyone can confirm this that would be great?

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