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Few minor problems if someone could help :)

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Hey everyone, I'm new :) :wave:


I recently bought a corrado from someone on here, its lovely, can't believe I've waited so long to buy one :)


So it was quite cheap, and has some body work issues I want to get fixed, the main bits that need urgent attention, and I'm hoping to get some advice from here on is:


1. Oil Pressure Light & Buzzer

Occasionally the light and buzzer come on, a small rev, and the light and buzzer goes a way again.

I'm thinking, the switch, or a oil pump problem? Any common problems I should be aware of? I changed the oil to make sure it had nice oil in it, and the problem is still there, so its not that... I went to a garage to get an oil pressure check done, and he said if the buzzer isn't on the oil pressure is OK, so not point in doing one till the problem is happening, he also said the switch if it was failing would have oil round it (which it doesn't).


2. Dash

I've been driving in the rain, the lights and wipers on, when i turn the wipers off the clocks needles go down to the bottom, and then shoot up... Quite funny to watch, wondering if the dash being broken might be connected to it thinking the oil pressure is not right...


3. Power Steering Belt

Its squeeks when you turn the wheel, and I have manual steering pretty much, there is enough fluid, so I assume its the belt.. Where is the belt? Down on the right by the alternator there is the alternator belt, then a belt beneath it, is this it (goes round 3 cogs)? Which is the power steering, and which is the cambelt... Excuse the stupid question, I just don't know :( If its an easy swap over on a belt I can do that (i've done an alternator belt). Any help would be great!!!




4. Coolant light it flashing

There is the right amount of coolant, and it doesn't overheat ever... The plug is also free from dirt...

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Sounds like you have a bad earth somewhere, its too much of a coincidence for all those things to be happening at once, check all the earths especially the sender earths which attach to the head.

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I don't think the power steering belt will sort itself out if I do the earth ;) Can anyone help me on that? :)


Thanks for your help so far.. I am good with electrics so i can check all that with the trusty multimeter...

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So i got under the car last night to sort out the power steering.. I thought just the tensioner bolt was loose...


It wasn't there!!! lol Also the tensioner bolt couldn't go into a nice bolt due to the fact the wrong bolt was used previously..


I took a pic to illustrate! The silver bolt is what is missing and how I assume the car used to run.. before the bolt fell out!




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