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KR engine bay wiring quesions...HELP!

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alright people,


i've been struggling to find out a couple of bits that are bugging me:


can someone with a KR please go and look to see where this wire goes? i can't find anywhere within it's reach which makes me think it's in the wrong place....


the thin blue and black go to the bell-shaped thing (lol) and then the 2 thicker black cables house the headlight stuff i think - so it's the medium thickness black wire i'm after. looks as though it has a green/turquoise plug on the end.


i have a sneaky suspicion it's supposed to plug on here:


as i have a spare connector. i have no idea what this part is, or even if it's supposed to have all three connections on.


someone helpful please be helpful and help the helpless because i am getting royally :censored: off :wink:





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I'm sure the ignition coils all have extra connections (not used), so don't worry about that.


the other wire, near the airbox, I think, if it has just a single wire inside, that it's the feed to the fan run on temp switch which should be bolted to the front leftmost cam cover bolt, can you see the little sensor there under the fuel lines?

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Just popped out for a quick look at mine and davidwort is correct. It's actualy a brown wire inside a black sheath though mine is just a bare terminal, the plastic cover has run away at some point. The run on switch is in front of the oil filler cap mounted on a bracket.

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cheers for yourr help guys but i can't find it! can someone get a pic up of what i'm looking for? and tell me what it does and if it's important too lol

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Here's a quick pic with a yellow arrow pointing to it. Note to self - Must clean engine bay.

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i don't have that. is it just spade connector onto a switch - kinda like all the other sensors around the bay? because if it is, i don't have that either...

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Sorry, just in after too many glasses of red wine followed by some "Your Granny Wouldn't Like It" real ales.It's a sensor that picks up the temerature and keeps the fan running after you switch the ignition off. Perhaps it has been removed by a previous owner. I think if they fail in the wrong way it can cause the fan to run continually flattening the battery but it's taken me about three attempts to type this and I am probably wrong. I'm going to bed now.

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:lol: no that's right, it's there to stop the underbonnet temps getting too hot a causing fuel to vapourise in the fuel lines, it has a live feed all the time and earths through the block when the temp rises too high, if the switch fails shut then the fan would run forever (well as long as the battery lasts)

looking on etka it seems like some cars may not have it fitted, but I think all UK spec cars should have it.

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so i need the switch and whatever i mounts to? i'll have a look at VAGCAT as i don;t have etka to see if i can work out the right bits - it'd be nice now the weather is hot to get the fan working fully!

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another pic of fan run on switch, 191 919 521D 100 deg C 1 pin yellow


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