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Rear Bushes

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Done a quick search but found no real idea's. My car seems to feel really strange at times, when i've been on long journeys its teh worst but i can sway left to right and feel the back end move like around like its detached! Having inspected the bushes they look pretty worn so i was going to replace them.


My question is however, im running original wheels and bubble tyres at the moment with KW V1's so have still got comfort but would like to upgrade and I've heard you can use R32 rear bushes but the other option is to polybush it. Im trying to get it handling well but seeing as the roads round here are pretty bumpy i don't want my back broken.


Firstly can anyone confirm you can use R32 rear bushes and also what the comparison is like between standard/R32/polybush



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The R32 bushes are for the rear wishbones - for the Axle just fit standard VW items.


If yours actually look worn then I'm fairly certain that will be your problem

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Ahh right, thats whats got me confused.


So is there a big difference in comfort and handling between standard and polybush?

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