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mr lobitos

raddy hell

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been reading the knowledge about re fitting rad which somehow holed today,all the posts i read suggest removing bumper and slam panel,has anybody done this job without removing these parts,thought i'd ask before i start?cheers

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Yup but it was a few years ago so I would be scratching my head to give you any detailed description......but if your asking if its possible then your answer is YES !!


From what I remember removing the battery made life much easier.


EDIT : I just assumed your meant for a VR ?

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Again assuming you mean the VR. It definately is possible as my mechanic fitted a new one to mine without removing the slampanel and bumper.

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sorry,yes it is a vr.will it go in with fans in place or should i fit when in postion


From memory my mechanic took the fans off removed old radiator, then refitted new rad and then put fans on once in place.


Its tight but it is possible.

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It is possible but quite fiddly, it may be easier to take the top bit off (slam panel ??) which holds the headlights as it gives easier access.....

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sorry,yes it is a vr.will it go in with fans in place or should i fit when in postion


.....damm I knew you was going to ask something obvious like that and I knew I wouldn't remember :lol: .........errrrrmmm I'm 80% sure I put it in with fans off and fitted after, don't think there is enough room to maneuver the rad in the correct position with fans attached.


Looking back I would say that if its your last resort do it this way then fine, but in all honestly if I were doing it again I would remove the slam panel and bumper.


EDIT : :lol: the time it took me to remember your onto the next question :D

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YES IT WILL To remove the bottom bit in my photo or the cross member (the bit the front engine mount sits on) you have to undo the bolts that hold the bumper on as they hold the lot on, but you can leave the bumper in place or just slide it out a touch............putting the fans back on the rad in-situ would be uber fiddly, as above would remove slam panel at least to give good access........

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finally done rad,removed slam panel like daleyboy said(cheers) confronted with brown crusty mess ,quick trip to halfords for supplies,then a good few hours of grinding,sanding and painting(would love to powdercoat but use as daily so inpractical)anyway very happy with job done.whilst doing all this front engine mount found to be us,read about vibra techics,do they do want they say on the tin,any feedback welcome .again big thanks to all the help posted last night :clap:

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Good stuff matey, mine still in loads of bits i opted for the vibra front engine mount and vag for the other two, it seems from this forum anyway that thats the way to go. Anything must be better than 17 year old rubber !!

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