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Fuel breather pipe re-routing

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Hi I am in the middle of replacing some leaking fuel pipes, and I was wondering if it were possible to move the fuel tank breather pipe. Currently the pipe travels from the top of the fuel tank, along the bottom of the car and into a cylinder in the engine bay.

Is it OK to re-route the pipe somewhere that is more local to the fuel tank? (eg exit somewhere to the rear of the car) If so, do I need to terminate the end of the pipe with a filter or a valve or can it be left open?


One more point I'm not sure on is the cylinder which the breather pipe goes into - is it entirely necessary or is it OK to remove this? There is a further pipe which also goes into the cylinder.


Pictures of the cylinder and pipes are below to help clarify:




(Almost) Clear breather pipe disconnected:



Where second pipe finishes:


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