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16v engine sounds like a machine gun

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Went out tonight car was running fine and on the way home pushed it a little not ott and all hell breaks loose car now sounds like a machine gun any ideas anyone , engine isnt very old either only had 20k on it when fitted about 5k ago :o( any ideas anyone please :(

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Doesn't sound good - could be one several problems though. Any chance of posting an audio clip?


It's too hard to diagnose from your description, could be anything from a big end let go (full bottom end rebuild) to an exhaust manifold come loose (5 minutes with a spanner).


What's your location, it's possibly you are near someone who'd be willing to assist the diagnosis.

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Cheers guys will have a look at what you have mentioned, will also try and get a sound clip up

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check your spark plugs are all tight dude - a mate of mine had a plug come loose on his 16v pug 306. That was also very machine-gun like - never heard anything like it! The gumbo pug mechanic who serviced it last hadn't torqued the plug up correctly, so it worked it's way loose until it was only held in the head by 3 threads. Then the combustion pressure blew it out. This stripped the threads in the head, so he had to get it helicoiled. Rubbish! Took me a while to find the problem...!

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Any significant changes other than the noise? any power loss, has the engine been using any oil or water? has the engine still got any oil/water in it, what colour is the oil?

Does it sound like a scooby? Is it on idle or when driving?

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Found out what it is now and its not good news , after being RR tuned at stealth my rado has been running very very lean , i cant prove its there fault but they are the only people ever to touch the engine settings :censored: which has caused my little end in pot 3 to give up the game :(

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