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Squeaky clutch!

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Now then, now then...


I'm a complete Corrado noob so pardon my ignorance! After giving up trying to find a 'clutch cable' (I've owned a Scirocco's for the last few years) I decided that my search was futile and 'that pipe there' must mean the Corrado's clutch is hydraulic. After searching on here I see that it is!


Why would it be squeaking? It happens mostly when it's almost fully depressed and is quite loud. It's not metal squeaking - def plastic/hard rubber.


Anyone got any ideas?

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Check the plastic trim that covers the top of the pedals under the driver's parcel shelf - this is located with a plastic screw type thing right at the front of the footwell and if not seated properly will cause the pedal arm to rub when depressed/released, making a noise - cheap easy fix if it is this.


Next check the clutch release bearing - the gearbox cover plate has to come off to check this.

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