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n/s creaking/grinding/squeaking - help

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Anyone recognise this??? Its driving me round the bend


My VR6 currently has squeaking/creaking/grinding noise coming from my front n/s wheel. The noise is periodic i.e. related to wheel speed and only happens off-load, when freewheeling with any degree of right lock or breaking straight ahead. It also seem to get worse as the car wheel area warms up (brakes??) as it often seems less apparent in the first few mins of driving in the morning


Has been in the garage all week who have checked it out and cannot identify the source of noise but say all seems safe i.e. no apparent play in front bearings, no leaking CV joint boots, new brake pads, disc worn but not excessively.


My thoughts were outer cv joint as my gut feeling was its that kind of creak however I don’t get classic symptoms like a knock when moving away on full lock and noise is always off load rather than on. (Completely disappears when on load!!!)


I wondered about discs catching on carriers if there was some from of play but there is no evidence of that


Disc guards or ABS sensors don’t seem to be touching disc anywhere.


Front wheel bearing – no play at all but, noise on load does seem to maybe point to his




Cannot replicate the noise with car on jacks!


All thoughts/advice would be appreciated

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sorry mods can someone delete (can i delete?/) - i have posted this twice



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Edd - if it's in the garage still get them to buz the hubnut off and check for bearing play again - sometimes it's not apparent until you do this.

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