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Interior trim plastic welding

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When removing the under dash trim on the driver side it fell apart in my hand - it's made-up of 2 bigish parts. Now this is one of those parts that you cannot just bang some screws in as most of them would be visible from the outside, hence the reason it is plastic welded from the factory. So having done a little bit of plastic welding myself on bumpers and bits of trim I thought I'd have a go with my trusty soldering iron and here are my results. I'm actually pretty pleased with the way it went.


First I clamped the 2 pieces together and started to work my way around re-welding the original spots done at the factory and also stitching the mating faces too for extra strength. You've just got to be uber careful not to go through the plastic and out the other side, main thing is to take your time, absolutely NO rushing. I had to cut through the insulation in places to get to the join but these glue back down no problem. It's actually fairly easy to do, just make sure you heat up both parts of the trim and try to push some excess plastic into the joint from the inner trim part where the flanges are thickest. Make sure you get the mixed plastic hot and manipulate it into the point where the trim pieces join, a steady hand is required here. Allow the hot joint to cool before you move onto the next one, a couple of minutes should do it.



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