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HELP Cooling fan not working after I changed temp sensors

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Hi Chaps

Yesterday I changed all 3 temp sensors- A PITA but all done. Previously my temp gauge has always read very low (no more than 1/4 ).

The temp gauge now stays around the middle point---which is good.. BUT after a spirited drive it went up to 3/4 and the cooling fan did not kick in. The fan was working a fortnight ago definitely.


I have taken the plug off the rad switch and the fan does work on both speeds when the pins are bridged so that isn't a problem. Is it likely to be a faulty rad fan switch or is this related to the 3 cylinder head temp sensors that I changed. I recall reading somewhere that the fan does take a feed from the same one as the Temp Gauge but as I said that is working ok



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I had a very similar problem after changing the temp sensors. I plugged it into vagcom to read the temp that the ECU was picking up and it never went about 95c, despite the guage reading 120c at times!.

I`ve tried all sorts to fix it but have resorted to putting the old yellow temp sender back in. The ECU values are still right but the gauge reads 10c below what it should at all times.

I have also tried a new gauge but that didnt fix it, I think its quite common for the temp gauge to be a little out

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The problem is that the engine was very hot and the fan should have cut in- it was working fine before I changed the temp sender unit.


Any ideas chaps?

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Just saying that the gauge might not be telling the truth. Mine didnt after changing the sender

Are you sure you got it hot enough to get the fans running?

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Just saying that the gauge might not be telling the truth. Mine didnt after changing the sender

Are you sure you got it hot enough to get the fans running?


Yeah I was pretty sure mate though I am starting to doubt it now- the oil temp was up to 115 and I did ring her out quite a bit!!

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