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Fitting Mini Cooper Superchargers

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Hi folks,


this is aimed mainly at Darren 'G-Master' to answer but for everyone else's thoughts.


Daz, you said they could be fitted when we chatted tonight but you didn't mention a final cost or what sort of power output you get from them.


I know they are only in the development stage at the mo but all good gen for the rest of the G60 users out there. If it goes bang there is another option apart from trying to find a decent G Lader.



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Ye, we have a few Mini Eatons knocking about the unit now for a couple of different projects, one being a flowed one to go on our Cooper 's', the only thing being is that unlike a Corrado half the engine has to come out to change the Charger.

When we have a have finished the x-flow project we will be looking at making the bracketry to fit and plumb in a eaton to a G60.

As yet we can only speculate the performance charicteristics of fitting one. They shift more CFM per revloution at low RPM compared to a G, don't think they are quite as efficent top end as a G-lader and they have more crank drag than a G-lader.

The usual case of fit it and see wagone.




This is a pic of a Eaton we are helping to fit to a Zetec engine of all things for a lad who we know. LOL

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OOPS, sorry G-Man and G-master. Cheers for the info beavis.


The x-flo you had in the garage loked pretty cool. Might have to invest in one - eventually!

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