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288 caliper seals, how?

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I'm trying to fit new seals in my 288s. I've got the internal seal in, but I cant get the outer (dust seal) in. How the devil do they go in. I'm either just inept or doing something incredibly stupid. I've got the inner seal in, lubed up the piston, inserted half way and I'm now trying to get the lip of the seal inside the caliper. Is that right? It is how I've seen on the 'net but there seems to be nowhere near enough room to poke the seal lip down. Help please before I throw them somewhere!

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I did 3 of mine (was doing the rears, too) all the same method by using a flat bladed screwdriver VERY carefully to push the seal into the lip all around, then turned the piston round so I had a bit more room to do the next bit. Very time consuming and awkward, especially as being ULTRA careful with the screwdriver :?


Then on the 4th and final one, I tried something else, and it was dead simple and literally took me no time at all compared. Can't remember EXACTLY how to do it off the top of my head, but goes something like this: if u unfold the seal (like unwrap it so it's really long), and put it on the piston, push it down (or up depending on which way u've done it) so a fair amount is hanging off the piston (solid end thats going into the caliper) u should easily be able to push most of the seal lip into the groove, twist it round till its all in, then when u start pressing the piston back into the caliper, the seal will 'follow' up the piston until it sits in the piston groove...


Hope u understand this mate, honestly it was a doddle and I was so annoyed that I wanted to take the other ones apart again and do it this way! :lol:

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Yes I do understand what you mean, thanks for taking the time to explain it. I did try and do that as well, with some success however I was worried about mashing the seal when you then push the piston in. I think you're right though, its the best way forward! I'll give it a go. Cheers Bud, much appreciated :-)

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The seal should just slide up the piston until he sits in the piston groove, I was worried as well but trust, it's such a better option than how I did my other 3 :lol:


This is how I mean by having the seal 'hanging' over the piston before putting him in:





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The seal should just slide up the piston until he sits in the piston groove, I was worried as well but trust, it's such a better option than how I did my other 3 :lol:


This is how I mean by having the seal 'hanging' over the piston before putting him in:





You sir are a god! First one in, under 5 minutes, after 2 hours of struggling! Thankyou so much. It was the stretching the seal out bit I hadn't quite thought of! I'd tried to get the seal started before the piston. I read a guide on a volvo site, that was the problem, they were the same calipers but they suggested fitting the piston half way and then poking the seal in! You cant even see a third of the circumference of the seal!


Anyway, cheers again :D

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