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Vr6 hot to touch(lean) missfire

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unfortunatley vag com isn't an option at the minute,

My vr6 has a missfire, the miss isn't plug lead or coilpack related,

is also runs very hot, hotter than normal. which I worrying me, I'm guessing it's running lean, so it isn't moving off the spot and will only be running for short time while testing and trying to diagnose


as it stands I recently aquired a low mileage automatic engine, ran fine before. I replaced all chains and tenioners, lightened flywheel and new clutch, new tappets and 268cams new oil etc etc, timing is spot on. Also turned it over by hand loads to stay on the safe side of caution.


I plan to get another cam sensor tomorrow, can anyone suggest any other parts/sensors which can cause this or any suggestions at all, any help is greatly appreciated

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