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Starting issue help please

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Newbie here with a problem

I have recently bought a VR6.

Love it but it has a niggling fault that i just dont know what the problem is.

You put the key in car starts perfect well near enough starts everytime, I drive the car for say half an hour journey then switch the ignition off. When i go back to put the key back in turn it all the usual lights apear then nothing just wont start!! I have had to end up parking anywhere i can with a hill as the car bumps no problems at all so sometimes starts with the key and then the next time it wont. :(

I have ordered up a new ignition barrel to see if its the key and barrel problem but just thought it was worth asking fellow owners if they have ever had the same issue??



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Hi neil, did you get this sorted? I've exactly the same problem and happens virtually everytime I go for a drive now. As soon as I park up and leave it for a short period it just won't start again. I recently found out that if I sit and feck about turning the key back and forward, let the immobiliser kick in and out it normally fires randomly after a few mins and I'm off. I'm guessing it's an electrical problem but before I spend a fortune on an auto-electrician I'm looking at changing the ignition switch behind the barrel, there's a HOW-TO guide in the knowledge section of this forum.


Let me know if you had any joy and would appreciate anyone elses advice as I'm looking to sell the car soon :( want it sorted for the new owner!



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Anyone? I did see the other 'won't start' thread but seems to be different symptoms. Thinking it could either be ignition switch or immobiliser issue? Any advice would be appreciated thanks :)

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