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Neil L.

Blown head gasket on VR6?

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My VR6 been running quite rough from start-up (until it warms up!) recently i.e. cold damp weather! On the way home from work tonight the engine cut out - on re-starting the engine there was a significant loud burbling sound from the exhaust - as if the exhaust had blown! This continued for the half a mile journey to my house - there was also a big loss of power from the engine! There is mayo on the filler cap but nothing on the dip stick - coolant level seems fine albeit checking with a torch - i can have a better look tomorrow in daylight!

Not sure if these signs suggest head gasket or exhaust failure?

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Mine went without any mayo in the oil or fillercap just oil in the expansion tank. Get a compression test done first but it sounds like you have a new kettle to me.

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Not so!!! Ignition coil at fault - huge crack on the underside of terminal 1! Replaced myself this afternoon - goes like a dream again!!! :D :D :D

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