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coolant / water ratio - G60

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so gonna change the coolant and was just wondering if anyone could tell me the amount of coolant i need to put back in. got told that if completly draining the system i need 2 litres of coolant so how much water do i need to put in to the mix as well?


forgive me if this is a dum ass question?

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Dont quote me on it but im sure you need more than two litres.


I think it was 4 or 5. Looking for around 40% mix for the winter.


Sorry im pretty drunk and cant remember.

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What I tend to do when replacing coolant is pre-mix the coolant before putting it in the car.


I Buy 5L of Halfords Advanced Antifreeze (made to exactly the same specification as G12+ but about a third of the price with a trade card) then find an empty clear 5L bottle - an old screenwash bottle is ideal. Fill the empty bottle with neat antifreeze until it's roughly 40% full (just judge it), then add water to the top. Fill the cooling system on the car using the method recommended by the manufacturer. If it's not enough then just do the same again with another 40/60 antifreeze/water mixture.


I always keep a bottle of pre-mixed coolant handy in the garage should I need it, and if for whatever reason I change coolant in the winter I just go for a 50/50 ratio, but that's just me.





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right cool. so im lookin at about 5litres in total. 40% of that would be 2 litres. so 2/3 ratio mix. i went to a volkswagen motorfactors and got some G12 equivilant for £3.95 + vate per litre and VW is 8.95 + vat a litre.

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No, you may well need more than 5L, I don't know off the top of my head how much coolant a G60 takes. It will say in the capacities section of the handbook though, if you've got it handy, mines outside in the car :lol:

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