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dumb question

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fitting my cross member back on but does the rad support go on first then the cross member...? thats how it looks and its a few weeks since taking it all apart..

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Yep, rad support with the 2 M10 bolts, the the cross member with 2 M8's



cheers mate...just putting the rubber mounts in now...nearly lost a finger..!!! :bad-words:

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Yeah - been there, easiest way to do it is to 'massage' them a bit to get them warm and a bit more plyable...


Try fitting Poly ones though - almost impossible without a vice - I nearly stuck a screwdriver through me hand!

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Oh god, I have horrible memories of wasting a good deal of time trying to put those 4 bushes in. I put them in the freezer to try and shrink them, but still couldn't get them in.


Good luck!

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