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Strange starting noise - see video

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Cold temperatures but never

Battery in good shape 12.6V cold

Fuel level low but not dry

Accelerator pedal also very stiff

Engine turns----doesn't fire


Not the classic sound you get with fuelling problem or spark problem....thought it may be a frozen fuel line (but frozen petrol?????)



Why the stiff acc pedal :scratch: :scratch:

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Now if you can tell me where I can get a quick unicompartmental arthroplasty before Monday I will be impressed ;-)

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It might be my old PC and how youtub works.

It sounds like the starter motor is not engaged with the fly wheel. It is turning the engine?


It will take a hell of a lot to freeze petrol..... how about -72'C give or take a few degrees depending on additives :D


Throttle body has coolant in it. Whats your antifreeze level like. Up to strength of at least 40% additive????


Maybe the butterfly is jammed cos there is not enough antifreeze in the coolant and the water in the throttle body has iced and expanded. So jamming the throttle butterfly valve through distortion of the body???



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Engine does turn - in fact it started up after a struggle...

If the starter is not engaging with the flywheel then I presume that means the motor brushes are going?

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RW1 - The throttle pedal was extremely stiff so that would fit in with your second diagnosis wouldn't it?

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Engine does turn - in fact it started up after a struggle...

If the starter is not engaging with the flywheel then I presume that means the motor brushes are going?

Its not good sound for me but what I hear is a starter motor spining fast at some points. If so, it's the solenoid that is not heaving the motor spindle into the flywheel well enough.


Before taking it ALL apart, disconnect the battery first. Then clean up the battery connection to the starter motor and then follow the battery earth lead from the battery down to where it connects below. Clean this connection up also. See if that improves the engagement.


RW1 - The throttle pedal was extremely stiff so that would fit in with your second diagnosis wouldn't it?

Only valid if your coolant is not to the proctective strength of 40% ish for these low temperatures.


To test, pop a hand towel in hot water, pop it in a leak proof bag and rest that on top of the throttle body. Let it heat soak for 15 - 20mins. Then test the throttle to see if it frees up. I would refrain from pouring hot kettle water over it in this weather as the thermal shock may break the body or something else!


If it does free up, hope the engine block is OK and increase the coolant anti-freeze strength as the next two nights are going to be bad ones for low temperatures.



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