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not starting

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Tried starting it today and did nothing, made a little squeak wouldnt turn over gave it a bit of a heavy foot, didnt do anything, got the charger on it and it started, went for a little drive but didnt turn her off as i didnt trust it to start on me again, when i came to try again(After about 5 hours charging the battery) it did nothing, i kept trying and it bumbled gave it some and it went, then again it wouldnt start so my friends gave me a push and it started up fine.


If i try now it wont, what could this be, ive given the starter motor a few bangs an it does nothing, all looks fine but obviously not..


Cheers, bit bad timing really, least i got christmas day ay...

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cheers im sure the battery is keeping enough charge to go but i think something else is causing it not to start, cheers mate.


ill have to test it, see what its saying then have a re think if not, hope yours is keeping you going.


merry christmas n that, thanks.

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cheers im sure the battery is keeping enough charge to go but i think something else is causing it not to start, cheers mate.


ill have to test it, see what its saying then have a re think if not, hope yours is keeping you going.


merry christmas n that, thanks.


What makes you think it's holding enough charge? Spidey sense? :scratch: Hehe


Have you tested what voltage it's putting out? It's surprising how little of a drop is needed in order to cause you problems.


If it bump starts then that eliminates a lot of the common problems.

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Watch the panel displays when you crank it. If they fade then there ain't going to be enough power there to start it. Get it running and put a voltmeter on the battery, immediately after starting it should show about 14 volts dropping down after a few minutes. If after about 10 minutes it's still showing 14 volts or so it's a good signn the battery's goosed and not accepting a charge.

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Cheers people, the dash lights seem fine tbh, there is a weird noise also which sounds like a pup of some kinda, sounds kind of like when your car is running out of fuel and the pump is sucking nothing.


little "vwehhhh"


All electrics are still fine but it did run out of battery all together when my car froze up, it fine from then mechanicaly but the battery needed a big charge and it worked fine, im asuming that put stress on the battery and caused it to give up, if you dont mind me asking what does the cold do to a battery to cause it to break, surley the mix of water/battery acid would not be able to freeze, do you lot have problems mot years as i have never had a problem like this before, the cold is making my car suffr this year and i dont want it to kill her.


Thanks for the advice, think i may have to shell out on a battery tbh.



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If you can borrow a known good battery and stick it in the Corrado it would confirm if your current battery is RIP

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aha enit its true, cheers, easiest option i supose.




if you need a new battery i have a halfords trade card mate

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Where abouts do you live?


I was planning on buying one from there its the easiest option as i jsut want my car working again.


Does it get you much discount? aha.


Im pretty sure it is the bettery as said by wullie its not keeping the charge so ill be planning on getting one of these asap.


Cheers mate, anything which makes my life cheaper is useful, thanks. aha.


She costs me too much anyway.

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i have changed my battery as my friend had a brand new one which is £90 at halfords - 30 for me...


When i put the battery in it fired up straight away and i figured it was sorted, then later on that night it did it again, and keep on doing so, bettery must have charge as it starts if i turn the key about 50 times, can hear it try and turn over insted of not then i can give it some revs and it goes, im asuming its the starter motor maybe the solonoid but to be quite honest i dont know where is it in my bay, silly i know but i try and fix my cars mostly myself just by working it out, only due to the price in which i have to pay for someone to do it for me, im a student and am very broke, doing it myself is the only option really....


Could somone be nice enough to show me where it is please, i know what the part looks like but i dont know where it is, etc as then i can have a look to see if the solonoid s still working...


Sorry people, i just want her to bloody work.

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wiring seems fine, as it works occasionally id also asume its fine...


there is a split within the wrap that holds all the witres together which goes down the chassis leg which is wet because my car overheats making loads of water boil out of the coolent resovoir.


May casse this but i duno :S

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as said in another thread which has been moved back to this one:


Sorted the battery, starter seems to be working but havnt replaced it, it died on me erlia and it wouldnt idle, had to keep the revs on and its was struggling then, then it eventually went after sitting at traffic lights for a while, got it started down a hill in second then pulled onto my drive (As it luckily decided to go up the road from my house)


Cut out when i pulled up and wouldnt start again, turns over but wont start, can hear it wanting to go but it doesnt fire up kind of fires up a little then dies, also when i got it running after it cut out the first time when i changed gear it was very jumpy, jumpy enough my my dash to look like it was moving when i changed gear....


worked fine about 5 mins before....


help me please, any suggestions would be beneficial, mot in 6 days, wouldnt be good if it didnt start at all... aha.


Cheers people, sorry my car is such a pain in the arse, least its not a pain in the wallet for you lot.


Cheers for that mate, ive been throwing hundreds at this and it still overheats wont start etc etc (Also on the 1st i poped my tyre on a pothole) good day to enter the new year ay.


Im sorry but i dont know where the fuel relay is to look at it, what would be noticably wrong with it?

All fuses seem fine, changed ones which i thought could be a problem.


Tried it a little while ago, got it going but only if i had my foot all the way down, then id let off the revs would dramatically start falling and then it either cuts out or i give it some beans to keep it going.


Eventually cuts out after while and again wont start for beans....

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its a 1.8 16v and the ignition switch is fine, relays have not been changed recently though, not sure on which ones is the fuel relay and i dont want to go pulling stuff from my car which i have no idea what it does....


Could anything to do with my idle valve cause this?


Does anyone know which relays i should overlook, thanks.


Cheers for the help mate

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i have found 2 wires which dont seem to have spark i think yelow and black, on the right near the front of the air box and injection unit.... it is just behind the drivers headlamp, its not the head lamp.


Cheers, if this does usually not spark, please tell me also but it would help to know how i can fix these as they go near the chassis leg which is a bit awkrawd to reach to see if there are problems, cheers. i also dont have a relay which has 80 on it, have 2x '52' and one which waz 63 i think and another which was blank....


Not sure which to change or look at, cheers.

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Those wires are for the horn I think...


Do you not have a relay in position 12 then?


If so I think you've found your problem :)

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sorry but to me it just looks like a block of plastic with holes in it


I did have more than i listed tbh i just stated the ones i rememberd, they are listed from top left as -


[Gap] [72] [Gap] [blank] [42] [21]

[Gap] [19] [Gap] [53] [53] [67]


Blank one is a blank relay and the gap is where there is no relay..


Cheers for the help mate.


Also both the 53's are upsidedown...


£34 for a relay from VW and their around a few quid on ebay..... jokes.

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