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Also something which is above my oil filter has 2 wires attatched by plugs, little clear slip on plugs which also have another wire attatched which is not attatched to anything and it doesnt look ike there is anything for it to go onto either so ive jsut left it disconnected, there is also a wire with a little blue end which has nothing to connect to either not sure what either do, picture may be a better explination of what they are compared to my discription.


Also at the moment when i star my car, it shoots up to 1500 rpm then dies....



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Ah ok, it's 67 on your car then but I reckon it's old... Have you got a mate with a 16V Golf or Corrado you can swap parts with to test?


Don't worry about wires above as they are just oil pressure and temp sensors.

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Is it possibly a problem with an immobiliser? Just to make another suggestion.

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hasnt got an imobiliser, also i used a phone charger to test all the relays to see if they worked, all click (Which i presume means they work)


It takes a little time and is a little sluggish for initial start but it only stays on for about 3-5 seconds, revs up to around 1500 - 2000 rpm then the battery light comes on just before it chugs to an end....


I have tested most wires around my car and they seem fine, my oil primer or what ever the buzz is works....


Ive read a that it may be caused by an overrun cut off valve and alsosomehting to do with and isv, i think... aha sorry.


Would a problem with my starter motor cause it to cut off when running...


Seems as though there is an air leak or something but there arnt any which i can find... tthere is a tear in the main pipe attatching to the inlet manifold but this has no leaks in it as it has been sealed with tape (I know ths is bodge) but the slit is also past where the entrance for the air goes so could not cause a problem...


But yea pretty much fires up fine then dies... revs are very slow when i accelerate also.

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The rubber hose which is attatched to the inlet manifold on my valver is split, this may be cauing a few problems (Is bodged at the moment and it did work before whilst being split but repaired...


Its the peice which is attatched to the sleeve which is attatched to the elbow coming from the air box.


Does anyone have a name for this part, or part no and anyone know if their available at say gsf as i have looked but as i dont know which pipe it is i cant find it to buy it.


Cheers people.

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If it's the corrugated elbow with the two vacuum take offs underneath it that attaches to the throttle body then mine has 027 133 649D marked on it

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If I remember correctly the second number didn't look like the part I had. I eventually got a second hand one off here. I didn't have to remove the orange bit as it was on both but I think it's held on by the metal plate bit on the outside that acts as a retainer for the vacuum hoses. I'll have a search around the hut ans see if I can find the buggered one aand have a look.

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