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Mike's Corrado G60

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Picked up this from US - leather steering wheel from a SLC (VR6 equiv).


Will try it to see what it looks like fitted then make my mind up. Makes a nice change to the usual OE and it's in extremely good condition:



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Hi Mike. Just stumbled upon this Thread. Very interesting Sir! :afro:

Have you done anything else to her since you last update?

Would be nice to see some recent pics and maybe a few of the rest of your stable too.

Health to Drive! :D

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Very nice G60 you got. And nice additions too, if I may add.

Let's see a few pics of the interrior after the seats, stereo etc.




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Thanks for the comments :)


A few updates:


From left to right, Recaros for MK2 and Recaros for G60. Both are very clean sets.








Seats are as new and door cards likewise.....






Little addition:




---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------


Most of the work is complete.....
















---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------


Will be putting some tax on this shortly and then see what Id like to do next.


This video has urged me to get it out for a spin.



A pic taken at Dubshed a year or so ago.


Aiming to get some tax on this during the month and get out on road.



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Just a small update.


Most importantly, I still have the G60 :) Well in fact last year I added another "60" in the form of a VW Rallye (SE UK original) so I guess chargers are firmly embedded in the garage now :)




I'm now considering upgrading the head of the engine. Nothing too wild but a nice polish and ported version. Open to any advice on same.


I'm also considering a wheel change or rather to go back to its OE BBS wheels or swap onto BBS RSs (16). I guess my only concern is I always think the 15s originally fitted look a little lost under the arches.


Lastly, I'm also considering replacing the side bump strips. Struggling to find a really clean set but I think the Red Corrados can look better with the contrasting black strip.

Edited by Mike2006

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Hi Mike,

I agree, My G60 is Flashrot, and I keep the Black bump strips. Without the car looks too tall, and that we cannot have ;)

Nice Rallye ;)



Redfox ;)

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