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Blue Temp Sender

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Quick favour to ask.


I think my VR runs a bit too rich on startup. I know the ECU does richen the mix until the engine is up to temp but am concerned mine may be taking it a bit too far.


Does the ECU rely on the reading from the blue temp sender at all during warm up? Reason I ask is that I have vagcom'd my car during startup and when the engine is cold the reading from the blue temp sender is showing -47c (and i dont live in Siberia). When the reading gets into positive values the car runs as it should.


Would anyone with vagcom mind letting me know what their blue temp sender reads when their engine is cold?



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If you are meaning the temp in Grp 001, field 2 (2nd from left). It should giving readings all the way upto normal operating temp as the engine warms up. When cold it will reflect the ambient coolant temp, ie between 0'C & 10'C at the moment. -47'C is not right.



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Thats the reading and exactly what i thought it should show.


I`ve got a 2 spare to try so will swap them over this weekend.


Thats the second rubbish sender I`ve had from GSF, one blue temp and one yellow temp. Won't be going there again.

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Here's a typical warm-up file from VCDS logging..........


LOG-01-01F-022-03C-042 141110a Corrado Warm-up Drive and cruise.xls[/attachment:3hz9qky2]



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Chris - Just interested why it goes past 91c back to 87 before you've marked it fully warm - is that the oil temp you are also looking at or does it wait for the fan to kick in once before the map switches over?


21mins does seem rather a while but I guess it was a cold day (5c)

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Fully Warm - It was when the Manifold Intake Air Temp reached 32'C - 33'C. It's peak. (The logging carries on for another 40 mins but that was edited out)


The drop in temp in coolant is variation as the engine is driven, coast & idles. Oil peaks at about 15 mins when 5'c OAT, typical of the VR6. If it had been 20'C OAT, then it would typically be oil temp peaked at 12 mins.


The key thing for me is that until the Maniflod intake temp in Grp 003, field 3 reaches about 30'C, the VR6 is slightly rough running. After that it starts to run very nicely.


The run was primarily to log the Lambda & Injectors from a cold start & through a drive.



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