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Nothelle/H & R spring rates

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Keep hearing about Nothelle Springs, anyone know what rate they are, are they softer than H & R equivalents. Also where does anyone get them from, I can't seem to see anywhere?

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When you say you keep hearing about them, is that on here or somewhere else? As far as i was aware the only discussion recently was because Corozin had a set he sold to Fla. He only had them because he has the original Nothelle tuned Corrado. I'm not sure how many sets other than his there would have been, or whether they've been available at all since the early days?

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Probably just on here I think, I do read a lot of suspension threads! I find my H & Rs a little on the firm side and always wondered about the Nothelles that have been mentioned a few times. I guess they're not really generally available then. Ok, cheers for that. ;-)

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