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Bad running issue

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The front engine mount went on my rado and the car drove like crap.With the help of some members I fixed it with a new lambda well half fixed it.

Here is the original thread.


Ok so the new problem is like the old.The car from cold start runs perfectly no problems but when the car is hot ie. after about 20 mins of running if I stop and go into the shop or whatever and come back out and start her up I get the same problem I first had.The boost comes on and the car starts spluttering but the revs stay solid at around 850.Now if I blip the accelerater once or twice the car settles down back to normal and runs fine until you stop and start the engine again.If anyone could help me out on what to do I would really appreciate it as im broke and cant afford to get a mechanic to look at it for me cheers.

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