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Help - smoke coming through the air vents

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Yesterday evening was out driving and went to put the fan on, then all of a sudden the car started filling with smoke through the air vents.


Pulled over and stopped, opened the bonnet to look, let the engine cool down. Started up again and did it again.


Tracked it down to this thing, located in the back right of the engine bay, under the scuttle panel... sat right on top of the fan. It is obviously shorting out and burning from the inside, but what is it? :


Here's the thing that was shorting out and burning...






This is where it was located...






Any ideas, what is it, how do I disconnect/replace it? Please help.

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Its not a standard part, maybe part of an alarm/tracker thing? any writing on it or manufacturers sticker? Best bet would be to follow those cables back to where ever they go, I wouldnt use the car again without disconnecting it though!





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Thats a load of cables in behind there mate. Would be best to trace them back to source and remove if poss.


Lots of leaves there as well, have you suffered from water creeping in behind the cowling?

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My money's on it being an old skool tracker.

I would imagine it will have some markings on the box and/or potentially connected to small battery if it is indeed a tracker.

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Thats definately the control module for your Schrick Intake mate... Don't just rip it out.... replace it otherwise you'll render your manifold useless. I think Stealth can get you a new one.

Edited by Abdul

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Ah yeah looks like it's for the Schrick.


Any idea why it would suddenly short out? I'll get onto Stealth and see what they can do.



I managed to disconnect one of the wires, and drive back home, but even when I took that one connection off, it still lit up at first

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