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Water temp gauge not working. Vr6

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Had a quick search but wanted to confirm. Is it the yellow sender i need to change, and is there any chance the actual gauge in the clocks has broken, or is it most likely to be the sender.


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Can be the gauge but usually the sender - you can unplug and bridge the pins to test the gauge.


Also checking the pins across the sensors for resistance - the duff one will be open circuit.

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Anyone know which 2 of the 4 do the gauge?

Went ahead and bought a new sender without testing it and it still don't bloody work, doh.

Will hook it up to my spare water temp gauge and see if that works.

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Ta, bridged and nothing. So either the gauge is dead, or the wiring is damaged.


Hooked my vdo water temp gauge straight to pin 2 and onto the batt terminals and it only went up to 70, even though it was way hotter than that, so I am guessing the sender is not compatible with the gauge?

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Common problem, and often the gauge, a replacement gauge is now obsoltete from VM (even though its listed)..second hand cluster is best way to go!

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Having picked up a second hand set upon swapping the temp gauge over I thought I would have a look to see what the problem was.


I expected to find a burnt out wire, but the problem was that the metallic strip that bends under current and turns the needle had come out of its 'runner'.


Popped this back in and it now works. Double doh. £60 spent fixing a problem that could have cost nowt.


Ah well, at least I have got rid of the dodgy wiring and blue lights that someone had fitted.

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Having picked up a second hand set upon swapping the temp gauge over I thought I would have a look to see what the problem was.


I expected to find a burnt out wire, but the problem was that the metallic strip that bends under current and turns the needle had come out of its 'runner'.


Popped this back in and it now works. Double doh. £60 spent fixing a problem that could have cost nowt.


Ah well, at least I have got rid of the dodgy wiring and blue lights that someone had fitted.


Could you explain in a bit more detail mate, the same thing happened to mine (temp gauge just stopped working and I replaced the clocks and now works fine so wasnt wiring or a sensor) and perhaps its the same thing. Thanks

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Pull the temp/fuel gauge out of the clocks. Pop the needle off and remove the 2 screws that hold the face on and you will see a thin metal strip with wire wrapped around it. The end of this goes into a 'runner' that is part of the 'pole' that the needle connects to.


Should have taken a pic, but its all back together now.


If this is the problem then its really obvious once the face is off, as the fuel gauge works in exactly the same way.

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Done!! As soon as i popped the face off the dial off the green 'pole' with the runner on fell over suggesting the metal strip wasnt in the runner to keep it upright so i reckon its sorted!! Thanks mate! Well explained!

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No probs, glad to contribute something back to the forum for the first time, lol. Going to take a while being more of a mk1 golf man until now.

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