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annual fuel bill

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Just sitting here bored at work wondering how much i actually spend on fuel and whether or not its more than i used to in my old car.


Over the past year. (feb03 - feb04) i have spent £1455 on petrol.


got my corrado in november so havent had long to compare really but month per month isabout £20 - £30 more at the moment... maybe it will tail off as the year goes on??

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Its not so much the fuel costs that bugs me..


More knowing how much of it is going to the government.. and every time I smack into a pothole on my way to work it bugs me even more.

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I do around 20K per year.... If I did that all in my 'rado at an average of around 27mpg, I'll spend just over £3K on petrol per year... :shock: :|

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I do around 20K per year.... If I did that all in my 'rado at an average of around 27mpg, I'll spend just over £3K on petrol per year... :shock: :|


thats really quite scary!!!!


I know what ya mean about the government too Jim :mad:

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which bit? a corrado doing 20K/year, the fuel bill, or the repair costs! ;) :lol:


The whole fuel tax thing annoys the hell outta me too... I can't afford to live in Manchester so I commute in... for that I get taxed to high heaven on petrol, road tax, VAT on parts and insurance and now they're on about putting in Toll roads and traffic charges... How the hell are people supposed to work in cities any more?!? :mad: It's getting to the point where I can take a 10K pay cut to work just around the corner, and actually come home with more cash at the end of the month! :?

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i spend £40 a week at the moment so its 2080 a year but in the first 2 weeks of corrado ownership i spent 120 a week!! and mine is only a 1.8!!! hate to think how much a vr would hve cost

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I only do about 7000 miles a year tootling around the city, as pretty much all of my friends, my place of work, and places I go out are on the half of the city I live in.


But obviously the downer on that is I never get any real fuel economy as the car rarely gets the time to warm up.


I'd gladly drive a bit further to work but the traffic is so bad it just makes you not want to bother.. I wish I lived AND worked in the countryside.. that'd be much better.

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OK then.....14 years x 3K = £42K. Hmmm, if I'd cycled for 14 years and saved the fuel money, there would be a nice Porsche 911 on my drive now :x Mind you, a gallon of petrol was less than 3 quid when I passed my test.....and 5 star was still about (100 octane - real lead in your pencil), LOL!



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Hmmm, if I'd cycled for 14 years and saved the fuel money, there would be a nice Porsche 911 on my drive now



well, an OK porsche...£42 isnt gonna get you a propper one :lol:


it is a stitch up though isnt it! go over to guernsey and fill up there.. last time i was there it was 35p per litre (dont know if they had an optimax though :? )

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I have a shell points card. Now apart from bonus points the number of liters of fuel used relates to the number of points on my card. The number of litres of fuel I go thru is scary. I dont want to calculate how much I spend on this.

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It'd work out at about £2500 for the year for me. Out of curiousity I did a couple of trips to work the other week trying to drive much more economically. If I drove like that all the time I'd save about £500 a year.


But who cares about mpg - I reckon £500 is a bargain for the added smiles per gallon. :D

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I spend £70 a wk on juice.. don't fancy working out how much I've spent since owning it.... :roll:

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