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Few niggly bits

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Well I've done 150miles in my G60 now and have loved every single one of them!


The MFA however, is reading average MPGs at like 7. I'm guessing this is wrong cos I've been driving reasonably conservativly and according to the fuel guage I haven't used very much. Any ideas why its reading so low?


The MFA also isn't reading the oil temp. I'm guessing this could be a quick fix?!


Anyone know where I can source the oil breather pipe that sits on top of the head? I have the pipe that runs from the charger to this point (albeit not fitted yet) but need the square piece.





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Check the vacuum tube on the back of the instrument cluster is properly attached and has no leaks. The mpg is calculated from the manifold pressure IIRC so a leaky tube will effect the reading.



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Ah yes, maybe I've got them confused. The ECU pipe must be exactly 1 metre long, incidentally. So check for length and leaks

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Yeah it will be obvious, its the only vaccum pipe going to the ECU.


Bear in mind though AFAIK if the length is incorrect for the ECU it will cause more issues other then just low MPG on the MFA. Maybe still worth checking, but if the car is running fine but the instrument is lookign wrong id check the vac pipe behind the cluster first.

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The plot thickens. There was indeed a vacuum pipe not plugged in near the throttle body. I've taken this off for some porting & polishing work. However there seems to be three vacuum pipes and only two places for them to attach to the TB. Where do they all go? Picture isn't the best but you can see three vacuum pipes hanging around

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