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Work PC 'Beaconing' this website.

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Less than 2 months into a new job, i get a call from IT security......

Your laptop needs rebuilding, due to it beaconing a non-work-related website..........Its "the-corrado.net" says the voice. I wanted the ground to open up!


How has this come about? I'm not green on networking for a minute but thought I should mention it and see if anyone has any further explanation on the subject.

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All it seems to mean is that your IT people screen what sites people are visiting, and will act accordingly on people who are not using the internet for work related purposes.

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There's more to it than that Jim. Why would they rebuild a PC because I was visiting a website? They did say something had been downloaded from this site that was now beaconing it. I should have said that in my original post. I've not conciously downloaded anything. Something has come in the back door whilst on here, was the jist of the converstation. I'm curious really, they told me to watch what websites I visit, their policy for non-work-related sites is pretty flexible to be honest, ie its fine, just don't take the p1ss!

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Do please ask them what they mean by "beconing"...


Mods... the new site is paid for, I assume therefore you have the current patches in place, have set the relevant CHGMODs etc and used "difficult" passwords...?




(In It and confused by their phrase)

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Do please ask them what they mean by "beconing"...

(In It and confused by their phrase)


Its beaconing, and I'm in IT (ish) too, its a new one on me. I will check! I'm slightly afraid of opening a can of worms....if they delve into my browsing history any further!

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I reckon they are just seeing excessive hits to this site...


Rebuilding the PC sounds a bit ridiculous - we hardly ever rebuild desktops outside of HDD failures.


Speak to your IT for clarification

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This is a standard vBulletin site, of which >50% of the Internet's forums are based.

There's nothing 'dodgy' about this site- it's one of the most secure server packages out there, and certainly doesn't leave security-hole-laden files on your PC...


Even so, the very most it could do is leave a cookie on your machine. No way that would warrant a PC rebuild!


It may well be you have something else on your PC which has come from another source, and that is trying to contact your visited websites to grab passwords, or something, and has picked the CF from your Internet history.

I have DNS-level firewalls in place that stop these attacks, so they will probably keep trying.

This might have alerted your IT bods, and they incorrectly assumed it was the CF doing the dirty, not something on your PC trying to hack into your sites, and failing on mine as it has higher protection than most.


I'm theorising here, as it's impossible that this server is the source.

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