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Catalytic rattlle!!!

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Hi. All, I have been told the cat on my 16v is rattling because the ceramic element has come away inside and I will need a new cat. got a qoute from VW and was told a new one would cost over £700 :( (as I have the later 9A) I can't justify this and was wondering if anybody had experiance of any of the cheaper options like Euro or E-bay or even if anybody has fixed this prob before? Thanks. Vince.

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you sure its not the heat shield thats rattling? if so take it off.


otherwise, check if your can can have the cat removed and fit a decat. cheaper and more power can be achieved

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Hi,Quicky, Its a 1995 so don't think I can get away without or would! Pretty definate it isn't the heatsheild, have felt around it when running,before it got too hot :)

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Sorry to thread hi jack but i'm pretty sure my cat is rattling, but confident it is my heat shield. When you say remove it, do you mean butchering it? I.e. An angle grinder?

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You should be able to et a 2nd hand one or even an aftermarket one for a fraction of that. I wouldn't go near VW for a part like that. My 20V A4 audi daily had a new cat for the last MOT, it was £100 fitted, brand new. Obvioulsy not an audi part!

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You can just do what alot of people do now, they break up whats inside the cat and pull it out.


I have heard people calling it de catting, but in my eyes its not really.

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