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best size pulley for daily driver

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my g60 corrado has a 70mm- 72mm pulley but im not that impresed with the performance . i do about 40 miles a day would you recomend a 65mm or 68mm pulley also if i went for the 65mm how regular should i get charger serviced

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i belive that if you go for even a 68mm pully you will also need a chip to match.and poss a smaller belt.


you want a 65mm then you also need a custom map ,3.5 bar fuel pressure regulator.some people also get bigger injectors.

make sure your charger is upto it,has it been rebuilt recently.if not gworks[darren],pitstop.are the guys to contact.

i have a 68mm&german chip and must say is a huge improvement over standard .

hope this helps you out


brian :)

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with 65mm i would do it every 10-20k miles but all depends on driving style and max rev,you can use stock injectors even at 15-16 psi, all you need is a fuel pressure regulator set up at about 4-4.5 bar, and a special chip for it, but changing to 32lb or 36lb injectors will help. i would stick with 68 mate if i was you unless you require ultimate boost, spend your money ona cam or a ic instead.

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with 65mm i would do it every 10-20k miles but all depends on driving style and max rev,you can use stock injectors even at 15-16 psi, all you need is a fuel pressure regulator set up at about 4-4.5 bar, and a special chip for it, but changing to 32lb or 36lb injectors will help. i would stick with 68 mate if i was you unless you require ultimate boost, spend your money ona cam or a ic instead.



:shock: migs where are you getting this info from please.... 4-4 1/2 bar reg ?? and 36lbs inj ....


4 1/2bar reg + 1 bar of boost = std g60 fuel pump issues ....ingector issues etc etc etc.

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Migs, I thought that running anything over a 3.5 fpr with standard injectors was risking injector failure as it was... 4 to 4.5 is surely just gonna overpower/flow the standard injectors in quite a big way... You really need red tops at over 3.5 (if not before!) and you'll DEFINATELY need a different chip if you do go with a bigger FPR.... :|


If I'm wrong, by all means, please show me where, as I am keen to learn about the injectors and FPRs for my own G60.... 8)

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LOL.. 4.5 4 bar reg!!! Just looking at my favourite publication, BOSCH bible, big thick book with all the working parameters of its kit and how components work in relation to each other. I suggest you invest in a copy Migs. 2.5-3.5 bar for the majority of its injector units, a few are listed to work safely to 3,8bar, this is the safe working parameters for them to atomise and for the injector needle to lift to its full 0.05mm lift. LOL.. I’m off to buy myself a 5bar reg for my polo tomorrow...recon I'll get another 50bhp and some serious bore wash on the go for the weekend and fit a chip that works magic over the bosch boffins.

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i reckon with a 22mm pulley and a set of greens and 10bar reg i could get another 100 mhp out of the passat too ..steve can you grab me the bits i need to do this in the morning too .... :lol:

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why stop at 10 bar darren? do you get chips of the shelves for these kits or would i have to come to you guys to get this done!! it sounds ace!! :D


Why has no one ever thought about that before??

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Hey! what happens if you fit a new Citroen Diesel fuel pump to it, and junk the FRP all together?!? 180PSI fuel pump's gotta be the way for ultimate power if that's how it works! ;) :| :roll:

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Recon you could be onto somthing there Henny... We can use copper brake line as fuel pipe.. but I think a Bowing 747 fuel pump would flow better at a higher pressure.. do you not think ?? Working on a modded chip as we speak...I just got my nail clippers on a chip and cut off the 2nd 3rd and 6th pins on a chip... this will slow the duty cycle of the injectors down enough to handle the pressure. U up for testing tomorrow??

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but I think a Bowing 747 fuel pump would flow better at a higher pressure.. do you not think ??


I can get you one of them cheap if you wanna try it... or one from the new airbus HUGE thingy.... ;)

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well iv tried the stock injectors with fp raised at 4 bar and they flow about 310cc, at 16psi they hold fine no pinkin but it also depends what chip your using, the 310cc flow about 420cc at 4 bar. Of course you can get red tops but these also work. the fuel pump has to be uprated tho to deal with the higher pressure, would be easier than changing chip to accomodate 320 or 380cc injectors. To perfectly tune a car a/f mixiture right a fpr is needed imho. Oh and u think 36lb are big, ppl run 42lb on g60, as matter of fact SNS is bringing out their new chip consisting of a setup of 42lb injectors for the highly tuned G60 so :p:p have you ppl even tried this or you talking outta your asses :roll:

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To perfectly tune a car a/f mixiture right a fpr is needed imho. Oh and u think 36lb are big, ppl run 42lb on g60, as matter of fact SNS is bringing out their new chip consisting of a setup of 42lb injectors for the highly tuned G60 so have you ppl even tried this or you talking outta your asses


yes i can read vortex too. i think you will find the reason there doing thiese chips on the #42 injectors is to run them at a lower fuel presure mate ie. 3.0bar


and yes migual we spend many hours every week with the cars rigged up with wideband / knock link,etc logging data and consistantly trying to improve on what vw have given us .... have you tried ? :lol:

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To perfectly tune a car a/f mixiture right a fpr is needed imho. Oh and u think 36lb are big, ppl run 42lb on g60, as matter of fact SNS is bringing out their new chip consisting of a setup of 42lb injectors for the highly tuned G60 so have you ppl even tried this or you talking outta your asses


yes i can read vortex too. i think you will find the reason there doing thiese chips on the #42 injectors is to run them at a lower fuel presure mate ie. 3.0bar


and yes migual we spend many hours every week with the cars rigged up with wideband / knock link,etc logging data and consistantly trying to improve on what vw have given us .... have you tried ? :lol:


Yes i read vortex,its not a compeition who knows or can do more here, my poin is that higher pressure can be used, iv tried it and done it, everyone seems to dissmis it :roll: ,they runing 2-4 bar on the 42lb I was told by sam. im not going into more arguments...oh and my name is MIGUEL :lol:

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No one is provoking arguments, all we are saying is after a lot of hard graft, reading technical data about, manipulating and datalogging to gain understanding how the management works on a G60/G40/Mini we have a pretty good understanding of what is going on and what happens when you manipulate variables. Myself and Darren were out from 6 until 9.30pm last night just driving a G60 about adjusting variables and recording trends so we understand and know with confidence future mods we are planning and when we do them to customers cars are not going to cause any detromental long tearm dammage to the motor. This is not a one off, between us we spend about 10-20 hrs a week doing this.

It is annoying when somone gives out unfounded advise which could potentially damage customers cars, alright, you say you have tried it and that you have done it and everyone seems to dismiss it !! Does that not tell you somthing. Maybe others have aswell, and there ARE reasons it has been dismised.

I've learn't now that company's technical data is usally right as... A couple of years back myself and Liam had some 58mm toothed belt supercharger pullies made as we were inquisertive to what would happen running them on a G40. We found bearings, Apex seal and the technical data for the scroll was that it would not explode until way beyond what it would be reved to on a 58mm pulley. I read the technical info on the oil seals and the 58mm would rev them 1000rpm over there max permissable threshold, I chose to ignore this information and run them anyway past their given ratings. Fine for 1300 miles and then they would start to pass oil where the lips had melted from excess RPM, as did the second set i fitted, the same seals on a 65mm last years. Technical data is a godsend, it saves you hours, choose to ignore it or not do any reaseach and could be costly. I could have sold many 58mm pullies, but I would have a trail of customers at my door wanting new oil seals, as for your self, we are doing you a favour mate.. if people followed your advise they would be knocking at your door wanting engine rebuilds though bore wash or melted pistons though overfueling and failing injectors respectivly. Just because it works in the short tearm does not mean it is good for the long tearm. Come back with some data logs of your air/fuel etc etc and prove me wrong by all means. Sorry if this post may seem a little arrogant, but the long and short of it is that we do not like to see people doing detromental damage to their cars.

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Now now boys!!!!!


You can go for a 4.5 bar reg provided you upgrade the fuel pump, fuel lines, you'll need a metal fuel rail, and the injectors must be able to cope - standard ones will work for a while but the pintle will start to wear prematurely.


Best thing to do if you wanna run big boost is to use low pressure and bigger injectors. Keeps everything happy.


So 30lb with 3.5bar or our new development : 42lb with 3 bar - this will get us over that huge hurdle of injector max out.



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Did a bit of testing today.. ran a 35,000 bar fuel pressure... engine blew on start up from hydroylic lock from too much fuel, but we got a sub 5 sec 0-60 from the pressure of the fuel jetting outta the exhaust... Testing will recommence tomorrow..

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Did a bit of testing today.. ran a 35,000 bar fuel pressure... engine blew on start up from hydroylic lock from too much fuel, but we got a sub 5 sec 0-60 from the pressure of the fuel jetting outta the exhaust... Testing will recommence tomorrow..


:lol::roll: I can just see that now....



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