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Replacing Shelves in Boot that Hold Parcel Shelf

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The hinges in the two shelves each side in the boot (with the rear speakers in), into which the parcel shelf 'spigots' pop, are smashed off. Got some used OK ones. Went to take out existing and found you can't get at one of the nuts - front one against body, speaker plastic housing is in the way from the boot area.


How do you get that nut off? Looks like you have to take out the side trim panel in the rear seat area and get at it from the front (that is kneeling in the rear seat area).

Is that what you need to do to get the shelf off?

How otherwise without disturbing the trim panel?

How do you get that trim panel off?

Do all the clips break when you do take it off?

If so, can you get replacement clips?

How do you get it back on fitting properly?


The car has leather and I don't want to screw it. I hate messing with trim panels, as I'm useless at it and always smash all the clips and can't get them to fit back in properly afterwards. HELP!

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I have the answer Nigel, put them both in the car and i'll add it to the list of jobs allready booked in with John's Corrado.

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Aaargh, you know who I am, scarey! What, at your rates John? Phew!! I've got a few days to save JM a few quid......but there again I don't want to mess up his interior. It had occured to me to add it to the list and it probably will be. AND I can't get the bonnet stay out, so that is on the list as well JM. Hope you can get it all done in 2 days.

Others, please ignore Mr Mitchell and tell me how to do it!

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If you are on about the bolt that is right behind the speaker + strut top mount, I got mine out by pushing my rear seat forward and there is just enough room to get a socket on an extension to get to the bolt! Be carefull though, if you drop it the bolt can run risk of falling behind the rear door cards and is a pain to get back! If this is any help :s


Cheers Graeme

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Think I needed a 1/4" drive socket set, which I don't have. Thanks for the advice. In the end had them fitted by JMR plus a whole load of other stuff that needed doing.

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