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Hello, I have recently got my G60 back on the road after a stage 4 rebuild from Jabba sport. It was all good until the oil light and buzzer started randomly flashing and beeping at me.. I am pretty sure it is a faulty oil pressure sensor that is to blame as it only happens occasionally but as far as I can see there are two on top of the oil filter housing and one at the charger oil feed end of the head. So my question is which one do I change????? cheers. …Rob

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The beeping happened again today so I Pulled over and took the connectors off the sensors one by one but it was still beeping when they were all dissconnected..

Could this mean that the dash is to blame??

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Change both of the sensors for piece of mind. Could be faulty clocks but sensors are more likely

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I cant remember exactly which way round they are just now, but I'm sure you have a temp sender and a high pressure switch on the oil cooler/filter housing, and a low pressure switch on the charger feed.. from memory the temp sensor is the smaller of the two on the oil filter.

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Hello. Thank you for the advice I have replaced both the high pressure and low pressure sensors and all seems to be working well for now.

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