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Issue with fuel

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Hey guys,


Im back again. About a month ago I posted on this forum about my 1990 G60 not starting. I figured out that the fuel pump was fried. I replaced the original pump with the newer VDO model and the car was running.


About a week later I wanted to warm up the car and change the fluids and it is back to cranking with no starting :0


I pulled the fuel line from the top of the injector rail and there was barely any fuel coming out while cranking. I replaced the fuel filter and I am having the same problem, barely any fuel from the line into the top of the injector rail.


What could by my problem? The pump does prime and shoots out fuel from the top of the pump when disconnected from the line so I know the pump is atleast pushing out fuel.


Help please!!!

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I was thinking a blocked line as well. Any suggestions of trying to clean it out? I was thinking about shooting compressed air through it

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compressed air might work, but i think the line is quite hard so it may shift a blockage but probably wouldn't straighten a kinked line.


Can you get under the car and have a look? If the line has come loose from it's clips, it may have caught on something whilst driving which has squashed it slightly. I've seen that happen.

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