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Stutter and feels like no petrol is getting to the car randomly

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Hey everyone,


So I've completed my ABF conversion which I'm dead chuffed about.. and had a few issues, that I have solved, but one is still lurking!


Once the car was running, it idled badly, and juddered SLIGHTLY between 3/4k RPM. This was due to the no. 30 Relay no being in the fuse box (don't need these for a KR). Even since I added that relay, the car was fine...


Then sudenly a few days ago it seems to stutter a LOT worse than when I didn't have the relay in... When it does I keep my foot at the same position on the accelerator and then after a few judders it gives me back the power.. it feels like its starving itself from petrol... No problems starting it or anything like that...


I thought it might be a short somewhere? Any other ideas would be really helpful.. oh and yesterday out of nowhere it stopped doing it... it was back to normal, so i really don't understand.....

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Anyone got any ideas? I'm thinking maybe the fuel pump? But I would have thought it would have problems at low and high RPM too, seems to only be in the middle....

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